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Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Great Eastern Takaful : Did You Just Say That...

I Will Wait A While...

Many things in life can wait, but life insurance should not be one of them if you need protection now!

WHY? When you wait, your family stands at much at stake considering your family's well being is a top priority item.

No one live forever. We all have a mortality sword hanging over our head which can drop anytime...and this sword becomes heavier as we grow older. The chance of dying or getting disabled increases with age. As your risk increases so will the cost of life insurance. So, it is cheaper to buy early.

Here is another issue, life insurance is a unique product. You can only have it when you DON'T NEED IT! As your age, you may become seriously ill or die. That is when the need for life insurance becomes obvious, but it is too late. You can't insure. That's why, don't wait...get insured so that you can go forward in life with peace of mind.

Source : For Tomorrow We Insure ; Lim Yuen Seong

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